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    This section contains 226 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) Great Inventions. One of the most influential inventions in history is refrigerator. Without the invention of refrigerator, the world as we know it would not exist. Foods would not be able to be kept for long periods of time. The two major methods of food preservation used were canning and salting foods, and these were not very proficient. Foods would spoil and germs and diseases would spread. The refrigerator is a convenience that we take advantage of everyday. Just think about what it would be like to not have a refrigerator. We would not possess certain daily luxuries, such as, cold drinks. The refrigerator has also been an economical product. People are able to purchase food in bulk amounts, without the worry that something will spoil. The refrigerator is a great invention that many people could not live without, and we should all show appreciation to Jacob Perkins, the inventor of the first practical refrigerating machine. Refrigerator Essay | Essay.




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